As I was going through my photos to spice up the previous post I realized that I left out lots of bits of the trip. While the previous post was memory driven, you really need to view all the photos with captions to get the full effect. To see all the photos, with captions, go to the Borneo photo album on my Facebook page.

Photos include the military policewoman that helped me find accommodation when I missed my flight in Banjarmasin:

The funny kids in Pangkalan Bun:

More wildlife like this proboscis monkey:

Typical homes along the river:

And places Amul had worked as a ranger and research assistant working on crocodiles:

Examples of spots where crocodiles had flattened the reeds when sunning themselves:

And shots of the sibling watercraft we shared the river with:

Shots of Camp Leakey (which was were Julia Roberts stayed when she came to film her special on orangutans):

Li-han and Yo-yo fixing the propeller with a metal file (in their bathers):

examples of meals Ippan cooked for us:

and the funny boy in the keletok in front who kept throwing kisses at me from the onboard toilet: